Tuesday 11 October 2011

Feed back

During today lessons we were asked to talk to the rest of our class about what plan to feature in our music video. I described our idea of going against the lyrics of the song and do this by filming our footage in an office, everyone agreed this would be a better idea than going for the obvious like filming in a woods or park. 

I also spoke about how using my brother and his friends that are all roughly 16 years old, because they will look the right age for our band members that we are aiming for. And they also like to play around with video cameras and have experience with editing programs. 

We should also make sure we have a lot of footage that we can play around with, so of one shot doesn't look good we can use another shot, we can also get different angles and point of views. 

All our feedback is very helpful and we always need to know what the people around us and our teachers think of our ideas

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